Add a New Server for Monitoring

Select the Add button on the main screen of the Monitored Servers tab. The Add Monitored Server window will be displayed.

Fill out the fields and options as follows:

  • Name: Enter the name of the server as you would like it to appear to administrators in Gateway Viewer.

  • Notify via Email on Failure: Select this option if you would like the server's administrator to receive an email notification if this server reaches its warning or critical thresholds, or if it should fail. The notification will be sent to the email address supplied in the Server Owner Email field. If no email address has been entered that field, the notification will instead be sent to the addresses supplied on the Alerts tab for this Location.

  • Server Owner Email: Enter the email address of the administrator of this server. If you have selected the Notify via Email on Failure option, all email notifications will be sent to this address.

  • Type: Select the type of server that you are registering with the Location gateway. The following choices are available: Default (MIB II Host), FreeBSD NET-SNMP, LINUX Net-SNMP, NET-SNMP OS Independent, Solaris NET-SNMP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10, and Windows Server 2016.


    If your server uses an operating system other than Windows and is using an SNMP agent other than the NET-SNMP agent, you must choose the Default (MIB II Host) server type. Make sure that the SNMP agent you are using on the server supports the Host Resources MIB (aka MIB II Host) as defined in RFC 2790.

  • Host Name: Enter the DNS name of the server.

  • Host IP: Enter the IP address of the server.

After providing basic information about the server, you must use the Monitored Server Tests section to register the tests of this application. Server tests are tests that will be performed on the server to identify usage statistics for different resources: CPU load, disk space, memory usage, and swap space. This table lists all the tests that you have already added. You may Edit or Delete any test listed in the table. Click Add to add a new server test.

On the screen that is displayed, enter the following:

  • Monitored Server Test Name: Choose from four resources that can be monitored: CPU Usage, Disk Usage, Memory Usage, and Swap Usage.

  • Monitored Server Test Arguments: When a Monitored Server Test Name is selected, this table lists all of the arguments for that test. To modify the variable for an argument, select the argument and click the blue text in the Variable column. You can enter a new value in the field that is provided.

  • When you have finished defining a server test, click OK to store your changes or Cancel to close the screen and discard your changes. You can enable as many of the tests for a server as you would like. When you have finished defining a monitored server, click OK to store your changes or Cancel to close the screen and discard your changes. Your new monitored server will now appear on the main screen of the Monitored Servers tab.