Drag and Drop

You can drag and drop certain objects in App Net Manager to edit your Corente Services network. Drag and drop provides a simpler, quicker alternative to using copy and paste functions. However, you cannot drag and drop objects from one domain to another. Likewise you cannot drag and drop objects with different permissions.

In general, you can drag and drop objects when performing the following tasks:

  • Creating Location partners. If you drag and drop one Location on another Location, the Location Partnership wizard launches.

  • Adding objects to groups. For example, if you can drag and drop Corente Clients onto Mobile User Groups.

  • Copying rules and properties from one object to another. For example, if you drag and drop address ranges from one User Group onto another User Group.

  • Copying objects. For example, dragging and dropping a Location onto the Locations item in the domain directory creates a copy of that Location.